★ 6.7 / 10
(1,021 voturi)
90 min
Philippe de Broca
Yves Montand, Madeleine Renaud, Maria Schell
The Devil by the Tail (Le diable par la queue) (1969)
Le diable par la queue
In this comedy, a run-down hotel drums up customers by sabotaging passing cars. The stuck motorists are then obliged to stay. Unfortunately, one of the sabotaged cars belongs to a bank robber. The hotel staff wants the robber out, but they also want to keep his ill-gotten money.
Pentru a-și salva casa strămoșească, o marchiză transformă locul într-un han, unde un jefuitor de bănci și cei doi parteneri nătângi ai săi se ascund de lege.
Subtitrari The Devil by the Tail (Le diable par la queue)
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