Dramă, Război
★ 7.6 / 10
(135 voturi)
107 min
Vittorio De Sica
Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Lyudmila Saveleva
Sunflower (1970)
At the end of World War II, Giovanna, a war bride living near Milan refuses to accept that her husband, Antonio, missing on the Russian front, is dead. There's a flashback to their brief courtship near her hometown of Naples, his 12-day leave to marry her, ruses to keep from deployment, and the ultimate farewell. Some years after the war, still with no word from Antonio, Giovanna goes to Russia to find him, starting in the town near the winter battle when he disappeared. Armed with his photograph, what will she find?
La incheierea celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial, Giovanna refuza sa accepte ca sotul ei, disparut pe frontul din Rusia, este mort. Antonio nu avusese mult timp sa o curteze in Napoli, orasul ei natal, iar in scurta permisie de 12 zile se casatorisera si isi luasera deopotriva ramas-bun. Dupa cativa ani de asteptare, Giovanna, inarmata cu o fotografie a sotului ei, pleaca sa-l caute in Rusia, incepand cu orasul in care Antonio luptase ultima oara.
Subtitrari Sunflower
Traducator | Limba | |
Sunflower (I Girasoli) | Gabriela Marian |