Comedie, Familie, Fantastic
★ 5.5 / 10
(193 voturi)
95 min
Sven Unterwaldt Jr.
Otto Waalkes, Mirco Nontschew, Boris Aljinovic
Seven Dwarfs (2004)
7 Zwerge
The Seven Dwarves live deep within a female-free-zone of the Enchanted Forest, but they cannot resist the innocent charms of Snow White when she enters their world. So when the evil queen abducts her, it is up to the dwarves to save her life.
Cei sapte pitici traiesc adanc intr-o zona a Padurii Fermecate in care nu exista femei, dar nu pot rezista farmecului inocent al Albei ca Zapada, atunci cand ea intra in lumea lor. Asa ca atunci cand regina cea rea o rapeste, este datoria piticilor sa ii salveze viata.
Subtitrari Seven Dwarfs
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7 Zwerge (7 Dwarves) | vuzavec |