Acțiune, Crimă, Dramă
★ 3.2 / 10
(4 voturi)
90 min
Robert Conway
Dustin James Leighton, Tom Noga, Clint James
Redemption: A Mile from Hell (2011)
Can one act justify a lifetime of wickedness? Explore the darkest confines of the soul from Robert Conway's film, "Redemption." A genre busting Western where there is no law, no good guys; only the bad and worse. Frank Harden is no stranger to the unlawful west, he is a killer. However, because of a tragic event he must battle his own worst enemy, himself.
Poate o singura fapta sa contrabalanseze o viata de nelegiuiri? Un proaspat western dupa clasicele tipare ale genului, povestea filmului Redemption se prezinta in deplina lipsa de lege si tipi buni. Frank Harden nu este strain de lumea arida si fara suflet a vestului, este si el, ca multi altii, un criminal. Un tragic eveniment il impinge, insa, intr-o crunta batalie cu cel mai mare dusman al sau: el insusi. Obiectivul: izbavirea!
Subtitrari Redemption: A Mile from Hell
Traducator | Limba | |
Redemption: A Mile from Hell | |