
Dramă, Romantic

5.5 / 10

(335 voturi)


85 min


B.J. Alexander


Aaron U. Brown, Jaycee Lynn, Samuel Potts



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Overcome (2008)


In the Bible, Saul persecuted Christ's church and its followers. Overcome parallels this story. Set in modern day, a young man in high school mistreats anyone good around him, until he has a fateful accident which changes his life. Now he must make amends to all those around him, and try to become the person he knew he should have been the whole time. That’s right: Overcome (Turn Around 2007) has a twin! All they had to do was change some of the evangelical themes to Mormon themes. But also for some bizarre reason, they changed all the names of the cast members, even though they are the same people. Apparently they thought that by changing the names, you would never know this was the same movie.

În Biblie, Saul a persecutat Biserica lui Hristos și pe adepții ei. Overcome este o poveste paralelă. Plasat în zilele noastre, un tânăr licean se poartă urât cu oricine este bun din jurul său, până când are un accident fatidic care îi schimbă viața. Acum trebuie să se revanșeze față de toți cei din jurul său și să încerce să devină persoana care știa că ar fi trebuit să fie tot timpul.

Subtitrari Overcome

Traducator Limba
Overcome crossguide Limba