Dramă, Fantastic
★ 6.2 / 10
(32 voturi)
131 min
Katsuhiro Ôtomo
Joe Odagiri, Nao Ômori, Yû Aoi
Mushi-Shi: The Movie (2007)
Mushi are beings in touch with the essence of life, far more basic and pure than normal living things. Most humans are incapable of perceiving Mushi and are oblivious to their existence, but there are a few who possess the ability to see and interact with Mushi. One such person is Ginko who travels from place to place to research Mushi and aid people suffering from problems caused by them.
Mushishi (Bugmaster/Stapanul gandacilor) a inceput ca o serie de benzi desenate create de Yuki Urushibara in revista Kodansha's Afternoon din 1999 pana in 2008 si a creat un adevarat fenomen in Japonia, cunoscand mai multe ecranizari in seriale de desene animate si filme precum si o variata de joc IT. Filmul are la baza elemente de mitologie asiatica, de aceea este destul de greu de inteles fara initiere in domeniu. Mushi sunt niste fiinte supranaturale, cu diferite forme, asemanatoare cu nis…
Subtitrari Mushi-Shi: The Movie
Traducator | Limba | |
Bugmaster (Mushishi) | cris99 |
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