
Comedie, Dramă, Romantic

6.592 / 10

(844 voturi)


88 min


Ben Palmer


Lake Bell, Rory Kinnear, Ken Stott



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Man Up (2015)

O iubire neplanificata

A 34 year old single woman, Nancy, hung-over again, exhausted by the endless fruitless set ups by her friends, traveling across London to toast another 10 years of her parent's successful happy magical marriage runs in with a 40 year old divorcee, Jack, who mistakes her for his 24 year old blind date. Nancy, deciding to go with it, happens to hop on the most chaotic yet hilarious journey of her life which neither of them will ever forget.

Nancy are 34 de ani. La aceasta varsta nu a reusit inca sa isi gaseasca sufletul pereche. In ziua in care trebuia sa participe la petrecerea aniversara a parintilor sai, Nancy il intalneste pe Jack intr-o statie de metrou. Jack trebuia sa se intalneasca cu Jessica, insa o confunda pe aceasta din urma cu Nancy. Vazand ca Jack este un tip de treaba, Nancy merge la o intalnire cu acesta. Ce ar putea merge prost? Nu conteaza ca nu mai ajunge la petrecerea data de parintii sai, are toate sansele sa i…

Subtitrari Man Up

Traducator Limba
Man Up Snake_Eyes Limba
Man Up Commotion7 Limba