

6.5 / 10

(5 voturi)


85 min


Peter Paige


Michelle Clunie, Kevin Sheridan, Ryan Michelle Bathe



Informatii IMDB

Informatii TMDB

Informatii Cinemagia


Leaving Barstow (2008)

Sa pleci din Barstow

Growing up in Barstow, CA, high school senior Andrew hopes for a bigger world -- but his devotion to his mother, Sandra, and his awakening attraction to newcomer Jenny, combine to keep him tied to home. Andrew's loyalties become confused and his prior ambitions begin to fade as he realizes he must make the most difficult of all decisions -- choosing between himself and the people he loves.

Dupa ce termina scoala, Andrew nu are prea multe optiuni in locul in care s-a nascut. El traieste intr-un orasel, nu are bani pusi de-o parte, iar ceea ce castiga dispare imediat, deoarece are grija de familie. Situatia se schimba dupa ce o cunoaste o fata care se mutase de curand in orasul sau. Apoi, desi este neinteles pentru el cum de a fost posibil, Andrew primeste vestea ca a fost acceptat la UCLA. In acest moment al existentei sale este momentul sa …

Subtitrari Leaving Barstow

Traducator Limba
Leaving Barstow Kprice Limba
Leaving Barstow DVDRip SUBPACK Limba