★ 6.6 / 10
(14 voturi)
114 min
Guy Moshe
Ron Livingston, Chris Penn, Udo Kier
Holly (2010)
Shot on location in Cambodia, including many scenes in actual brothels in the notorious red light district of Phnom Penh, HOLLY is a captivating, touching and emotional experience. Patrick, an American card shark and dealer of stolen artifacts, has been 'comfortably numb' in Cambodia for years, when he encounters Holly, a 12-year-old Vietnamese girl, in the K11 red light village. The girl has been sold by her impoverished family and smuggled across the border to work as a prostitute.
Din miile de suflete nenorocite... el a încercat să salveze unul. În Cambogia, Holly, o vietnameză de 12 ani, îl întâlneşte pe Patrick, un dealer american de artefacte furate. Povestea urmăreşte legătura foarte strânsă ce se crează între ei şi eforturile disperate ale fetei de a scăpa din calea propriei sorţi...
Subtitrari Holly
Traducator | Limba | |
Holly | elaborrator (c) BitShock.org TEAM |