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7 / 10

(162 voturi)






Alec Newman, Julie Cox, Ian McNeice



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Frank Herbert's Children of Dune (2003)

Copiii Dunei

Frank Herbert's Children of Dune is a three-part miniseries written by John Harrison and directed by Greg Yaitanes, based on Frank Herbert's novels Dune Messiah and Children of Dune. First broadcast in the United States on March 16, 2003, Children of Dune is the sequel to the 2000 miniseries Frank Herbert's Dune and produced by the Sci Fi Channel. As of 2004, this miniseries and its predecessor were two of the three highest-rated programs ever to be broadcast on the Sci-Fi Channel.

Au trecut 12 ani de cand Paul Maud'dib Atreides (Alec Newman) a cucerit puterea pe planeta Arrakis, razbunand complotul impotriva familiei sale. El nu a incetat nici o clipa sa lupte contra ramasitelor armatelor imperiale, insa dusmani nestiuti continua sa comploteze pentru a pune mana pe misterioasa forta a vietii. In acest miniserial, ecranizare dupa cartea lui Frank Herbert, fiul lui Maud'dib' va deveni conducatorul puternicei Case Atreides. Insa ascensiunea sa va dezlantui forte inimaginabil…

Subtitrari Frank Herbert's Children of Dune

Traducator Limba
Children of Dune adicoto (c) Limba
Children of Dune Mihai Limba
Children of Dune Vix33 Limba
Children of Dune lumpy27 Limba