
Acțiune, Comedie, Horror

4.8 / 10

(99 voturi)


80 min


John Gulager


Jenny Wade, Martin Klebba, Carl Anthony Payne II



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Feast III: The Happy Finish (Feast 3: The Happy Finish) (2009)

Monștrii III: Stupul

The survivors are saved by the mysterious prophet Shot Bus Gus, who seemingly has the ability to control the beasts. He leads them into the sewers as they travel to the big city. Along the way they get help from karate expert Jean-Claude Seagal and learn that the beasts originate from a place called The Hive. Armed with this knowledge, they decide to fight back and destroy the beasts.

Supraviețuitorii sunt salvați de către un profet misterios, Shot Bus Gus care, aparent, are capacitatea de a controla fiarele. El le conduce prin sistemul de canalizare prin marele oras. De-alungul călătoriei sunt ajutați de expertul în karate Jean-Claude Seagal și reușesc să afle ca animalele provin dintr-un loc numit "Stupul".

Subtitrari Feast III: The Happy Finish (Feast 3: The Happy Finish)

Traducator Limba
Feast III: The Happy Finish (Feast 3: The Happy Finish) streszau Limba