★ 4.5 / 10
(44 voturi)
103 min
Robert Wilson
Dominique Swain, Marie-Josée Colburn, Steven McCarthy
Dead Mary (2007)
Dead Mary
During a fun-filled getaway at a remote lake, teenager Kim (Dominique Swain) and her friends unwittingly unleash a murderous spirit when they make the mistake of playing the game 'Dead Mary' in this horror story. The body count rises as good friends are forced to hack each other to death, or face death themselves. Marie-Josee Colburn, Jefferson Brown, Steve McCarthy, Reagan Pasternak and Maggie Castle co-star.
Pentru Kim si prietenele sale de la colegiu, trebuia sa fie un week-end relaxant la lac. Dar cand incep sa joaca un macabru joc numit "Dead Mary",inevitabil,elibereaza un spirit malefic care se refugiaza in corpul uneia dintre fete,incepand sa le ucida-una cate una! Paralizate de teama si de neincredere, fetele nu mai stiu in cine pot avea incredere si pe cine ar trebui sa ucida...