
Comedie, Romantic

5.5 / 10

(6 voturi)


132 min


Jeong-woo Park


Sung-Jae Lee, Sol-mi Park, Soo-Ro Kim



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Dance with the Wind (2004)

Baramui jeonseol

In a hospital parking lot, Officer Song Yeon-hwa is briefed about Park Pung-shik, an alleged gigolo who preys on rich housewives. One of his latest victims is the police chief's wife, who refuses to testify against him, despite giving him $30,000. Song is told to go undercover as a hospital patient in order to secure evidence leading to his arrest. In the hospital, she finds the mild-mannered Park and talks to him over coffee, where he mentions that he ballroom dances for a living. Song asks him why he came to become a dancer and he starts his story.

Filmul spune povestea unui corean de 30 de ani, a carui pasiune pentru dansul de societate il ajuta sa-si depaseasca umila conditie si sa iasa din anonimat. Dincolo de faptul ca este primul film corean despre dans, Baramui jeonseol este totodata o satira sociala, ce critica modul in care normele sociale si prejudecatile unei comunitati conservatoare pot influenta comportamentul unei persoane incocente. Un barbat tanar, frumos si atractiv reuseste sa impresioneze prin dansul sau pe toti…

Subtitrari Dance with the Wind

Traducator Limba
Baramui jeonseol [Dance with the wind] andruxand Limba