Comedie, Mister, Romantic
★ 7.696 / 10
(1,136 voturi)
113 min
Stanley Donen
Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn, Walter Matthau
Charade (1963)
After Regina Lampert falls for the dashing Peter Joshua on a skiing holiday in the French Alps, she discovers upon her return to Paris that her husband has been murdered. Soon, she and Peter are giving chase to three of her late husband's World War II cronies, Tex, Scobie and Gideon, who are after a quarter of a million dollars the quartet stole while behind enemy lines. But why does Peter keep changing his name?
O tanara vaduva este urmarita de patru gangsteri - fosti prieteni ai sotului, convinsi ca ea cunoaste locul unde acesta a ascuns averea sa transferata intr-un timbru vechi foarte valoros, avand ca efigie capul de zimbru al Moldovei."Filmul lui Donen isi imparte atentia intre momente de comedie si suspans." Richard Whitehall - 1964 (Films and Filming)