
Comedie, Sport

6.5 / 10

(464 voturi)


90 min


Steve Rash


Ashley Benson, Cassandra Scerbo, Noel Areizaga



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Bring It On: In It to Win It (2007)

Majoretele: Totul pentru victorie

Fourth 'Bring It On' movie is set at a cheerleader camp in Florida with a 'West Side Story' musical feel has the female captain of the West Side Sharks meeting and romancing a male member of the East Coast Jets amid their different team rivalries.

Carson o eleva in ultimul an la liceul Southern California este hotarata sa isi conduca echipa (West High Sharks) la victorie in campionatul national de majorete. Aceeasi dorinta o are si Brooke pentru echipa ei ( East High Jets)din New York. In timp ce tensiunea creste intre cele doua echipe Carson se indragosteste de Penn, nearealizand ca acesta este membru in echipa adversa East High Jets. Cand Brooke afla de cei doi indragostiti o provoaca pe Carson la un duel de aclamatii…

Subtitrari Bring It On: In It to Win It

Traducator Limba
Bring It On: In It to Win It Ivanoiu Ionut- Dragos Limba
Bring It On: In It to Win It DVD RETAIL Limba