Horror, Mister, Thriller
★ 5.5 / 10
(22 voturi)
87 min
Mark Edwin Robinson
Kelly Overton, James Haven, Jennette McCurdy
Breaking Dawn (2004)
Jocurile mintii
Within the confines of an insane asylum languish many would-be seers and messiahs. Medical students meet them day in, day out. But when Eve meets Don Wake, she discovers he's not your run-of-the-mill paranoic. In fact, his visions of her life on the outside tread the line between fantasy and reality as a stalker becomes known to her. She could be in danger; it could all be in her head.
Eve este o tanara studenta la psihiatrie, aflata in perioada stagiului. Aceasta perioada va fi cruciala in contextul existentei sale, caci odata cu deschiderea mapelor oferite de catre profesorul coordonator, Eve afla numele unui pacient al ospiciului, al carui caz morbid va trebui sa il investigheze, iar in final, sa ofere o solutie proprie in vederea ameliorarii sau imbunatatirii starii mentale a bolnavului. Pornind de la premiza ca ea este cea care detine controlul, pe masura ce se implica in…
Subtitrari Breaking Dawn
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