
Acțiune, Aventură, Dramă

5.6 / 10

(29 voturi)


122 min


Tom Clegg


Sean Bean, Jamie Bartlett, Kevin Collins



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Bravo Two Zero (1999)

Disparuti pe front

When an elite eight-man British SAS team is dropped behind enemy lines, their mission is clear: take out Saddam Hussein's SCUD missile systems. But when communications are cut and the team finds themselves surrounded by Saddam's army, their only hope is to risk capture and torture in a desperate 185-kilometer run to the Syrian border. Based on the true story of a British Special Forces unit behind enemy lines during the Gulf War, Bravo Two Zero explores the tragedies and triumphs of men taken to the edge of survival in the Persian Gulf War.

Filmul prezinta povestea adevarata a celei mai decorate patrule britanice din istoria regatului, o echipa formata din opt barbati plasati dincolo de granitele Iraqului, in timpul razboiului din Golf din 1991. Misiunea lor era sa distruga proiectilele cu care Saddam Hussein isi ameninta si teroriza dusmanii, precum si liniile de comunicatie strategice dintre Bagdad si partea de nord-vest a Iraqului. Aceasta misiune secreta a patrulei a purtat numele de cod Bravo Two Zero si este condusa de co…

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