
Muzical, Dramă

4.3 / 10

(11 voturi)


88 min


Dylan C. Brown


Snoop Dogg, Hawthorne James, Larry McCoy



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Boss'n Up (2005)

Boss'n Up

Snoop stars as a grocery clerk named Cordé Christopher, a young and magnetic man, subject to keen female interest. He becomes a protégé of Orange Juice, an experienced pimp, after being informed of the better and richer life he can lead if he becomes a pimp. OJ cultivates Cordé's 'talent' and shares street knowledge with him, including the Rules of the "Pimping" Game. To some degree OJ treats Corde like a son. After achieving success Cordé has to choose between the love of his life, Chardonnay Allen, and his successful career as a pimp.

Corde Christopher este un hot de mana a doua ce petrece mai mult timp in inchisoare decat in libertate! Viata lui se schimba radical cand este luat sub protectia marelui proxenet Dominique, ce isi cauta un succesor ! Astfel, incet-incet , Corde Christopher incepe sa isi faca un adevarat imperiu in aceasta activitate!

Subtitrari Boss'n Up

Traducator Limba
Boss'n Up Limba