
Dramă, Muzică

7.4 / 10

(592 voturi)


77 min


Mijke de Jong


Elske Rotteveel, Kees Scholten, Elsie de Brauw



Informatii IMDB

Informatii TMDB

Informatii Cinemagia


Bluebird (2004)

Pasărea albastră

Merel is a young girl with a lot of talent. She excels at school, is good on the springboard and is careful too. Her severely handicapped brother Kasper gets a lot of attention. Merel also has talent for singing. It is no surprise that she is asked for the school musical. But maybe Merel is a bit too convinced of herself. When people perform solos, she likes to sing along loudly. This doesn't fall on good ground though. People start ignoring her and she is getting bullied. All of the sudden Merel's life isn't that easy anymore, it will be hard to keep herself together.

Cât de greu este să creşti mare şi cât de uşor se schimbă atitudinea oamenilor sunt principalele teme ale acestui film TV. Merel, o fetiţă de 13 ani, deosebit de talentată şi cu inimă bună, începe să fie şicanată fără motiv de cei din jur, acest lucru îngreunându-i foarte mult drumul dintre copilărie şi maturitate.

Subtitrari Bluebird

Traducator Limba
Bluebird SubRip Limba