

6.5 / 10

(22 voturi)


95 min


Brad Gann


Michael Angarano, Brendan Gleeson, Emily VanCamp



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Black Irish (2021)

Legaturi de familie

In South Boston, where Irish roots run deep and Catholic tradition reigns, two brothers face similar hardships but lead far different lives. While older brother Terry descends into drugs and crime, 16-year-old Cole vies to make the state baseball championships - but must struggle to withstand his brother's destructive influence.

Un tanar incearca sa se realizeze in viata, fara sa renunte la principii, asta in vreme ce familia sa incepe sa se destrame, iar influentele distructive ale fratelui sau se intetesc. Pelicula este plasata undeva in Sudul Bostonului, iar eroii ei sunt doi frati dintr-o familie catolica, este vorba despre Terry (Tom Guiry) si Cole McKay (Michael Angarano). In vreme ce Terry, fratele mai mare, este un delincvent, Cole, care are 16 ani, viseaza sa ajunga un nume mare in baseball, insa trebuie sa fa…

Subtitrari Black Irish

Traducator Limba
Black Irish Limba
Black Irish Bogdamn Limba