Mister, Fantastic, Horror
★ 4.513 / 10
(192 voturi)
97 min
Jean-Paul Salomé
Sophie Marceau, Michel Serrault, Frédéric Diefenthal
Belphegor, Phantom of the Louvre (2001)
Belphegor, Fantoma de la Luvru
A collection of artifacts from an archeological dig in Egypt are brought to the famous Louvre museum in Paris, and while experts are using a laser scanning device to determine the age of a sarcophagus, a ghostly spirit escapes and makes its way into the museum's electrical system.
In zorii celui de-al treilea mileniu, o mumie inzestrata cu puteri malefice da nastere unei fantome numita Belphegor, care bantuie noaptea muzeul Luvru. Ascunzandu-se in piramida lui Pei, fantoma terorizeaza intreg muzeul: ecranele explodeaza, camerele de supraveghere o iau razna, sistemele de alarma sunt neutralizate, exponate pretioase din Egiptul antic dispar in mod misterios. Uneori inspaimantatoare, alteori induiosator de umana, fantoma se dovedeste in curand a fi …
Subtitrari Belphegor, Phantom of the Louvre
Traducator | Limba | |
Belphegor - Le fantome du Louvre (Belphegor: Phant | Lianam |