
Biografic, Dramă, Istoric

6.969 / 10

(129 voturi)


137 min


Richard Fleischer


Anthony Quinn, Silvana Mangano, Arthur Kennedy



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Barabbas (1962)


Epic account of the thief Barabbas, who was pardoned for his crimes and spared crucifixion when Pilate offered the Israelites a choice to pardon Barabbas or Jesus. Struggling with his spirituality, Barabbas goes through many ordeals leading him to the gladiatorial arena, where he tries to win his freedom and confront his inner demons, ultimately becoming a follower of the man who was crucified in his place.

Aceasta este povestea fictiva a lui BARABBAS, bazata pe fascinantul pasaj din Noul Testament in care Pilat din Pont intreaba poporul din Ierusalim pe cine vor sa elibereze - pe Iisus din Nazareth sau pe Barabbas (castigator a doua premii Oscar - Anthony Quinn), un hot si criminal - lumea a strigat numele lui Barabbas. Si atunci el a fost eliberat, evenimentul avea sa-l marcheze pe Barabbas pentru tot restul vietii sale. Dupa ce-si vede fosta iubita, Rachel, omorata cu pietre pentru credint…

Subtitrari Barabbas

Traducator Limba
Barabbas Marius Pop, AMC & Lavinia Limba