
Acțiune, Comedie

6.668 / 10

(405 voturi)


96 min




Bud Spencer, Marina Langner, Mario Scarpetta



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Banana Joe (1982)

Banana Joe

Bud Spencer plays Banana Joe, a brawny yet friendly man who lives in a small rainforest village called Amantido with a huge number of his own children and regularly delivers bananas to a South American river port (hence his name). One day, the henchmen of a local gangster boss named Torsillo come ashore in Amantido to initiate the construction a banana processing plant. Of course, Joe (in typical direct-approach manner) evicts the goons, who promptly return to their boss. Torsillo finds out that Joe is trading bananas without a license and decides to exploit it. Upon his next delivery, Joe is apprehended by the police and given the choice of either acquiring a legal license or getting his boat taken away and himself arrested for illegal shipment. Joe travels to the nearest city, which to him is a new world, as he grew up in the rainforest.

Banana Joe (Bud Spencer) traieste intr-un sat tropical, un adevarat Paradis, neatins de birocratie, coruptie, droguri sau alte boli incurabile de care sufera societatea moderna. Pentru a putea folosi o barca pe care a cumparat-o, Banana Joe este informat ca are nevoie de un permis. Dornic sa indeplineasca ceea ce pare a fi doar o simpla formalitate, eroul nostru pleaca la oras. Incurcaturile si peripetiile apar imediat, Banana Joe ajungand sa fie implicat in tot felul de intamplari ciudate si…

Subtitrari Banana Joe

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