
Crimă, Dramă, Thriller

4.9 / 10

(359 voturi)


77 min


Virginie Despentes, Coralie Trinh Thi


Raffaëla Anderson, Karen Lancaume, Céline Beugnot



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Baise-moi (2000)

Fuck Me

Manu has lived a difficult life. Abused and violently raped, she sets off to find herself only to meet Nadine, a prostitute who has encountered one too many injustices in the world. Angry at the world, they embark on a twisted, rage-filled road trip. They choose to have sex when they please and kill when they need. Leaving a trail of mischief and dead bodies in their wake. Generating a media blitz and manhunt, soon everyone is out to capture the young fugitives.

Doua fete isi iau lumea in cap. Nimic deosebit pana aici, numai ca pentru Nadine si Manu, ura si niste pistoale le vor duce unde nici macar nu banuiau la inceput. Nimeni si nimic nu le mai poate sta in cale. Calatoria lor are miros de sex si sange. Peste tot pe unde trec, lasa in urma cadavre pentru a nu uita de unde vin si unde nu se vor mai putea intoarce niciodata. Fac tot ce pot ca sa fie sigure ca asa va fi. E o chestiune de vointa. Si de destin.

Subtitrari Baise-moi

Traducator Limba
Baise-moi (Rape Me) Cristian Ciobanu Limba