Documentar, Animație, Aventură
★ 7.1 / 10
(23 voturi)
94 min
Pierre de Lespinois
Wayne D. Barlowe, Curtis Clark, James Garvin
Alien Planet (2005)
Alien Planet
The dynamic meeting of solid science and futuristic simulation culminates in a dramatic exploration to another inhabited planet seven light years away. Alien Planet creates a realistic depiction of creatures on another world, where life is possible, if not provable, according to scientists' theories. Take this fascinating journey created by state-of-the-art animation and photo-realistic effects.
NASA a confirmat descoperirea unei planete intr-un sistem planetar vecin, numita Darwin IV, cu o atmosfera bogata in Hidrogen si Oxigen. Acest documentar creat pentru Discovery Channel, inspirat din anumite fapte reale, simuleaza un posibil scenariu, cam cum ar arata formele de viata pe Darwin IV, plecand de la anumite principii/ legi de baza cunoscute in fizica, biologia, genetica... asa cum le stim noi pe Pamant. ALIEN PLANET ne plaseaza intr-un viitor cand tehnologia umana…
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