

4.2 / 10

(13 voturi)


120 min


Ricardo Jacques Gale


Maxwell Caulfield, Tracy Scoggins, Billy Dee Williams



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Alien Intruder (1993)

Intrusul din spatiu

Set in the year 2022, a group of convicts sentenced to life in prison are led on a mission into uncharted deep space by Commander Skyler (Williams) to salvage a lost ship. As incentive to go on this dangerous mission, the convicts are given the opportunity to spend their weekends in a virtual reality world where they could live out their sexual fantasies with any woman they choose. However, a woman who is not part of the program appears in it (Scoggins), kills each virtual woman and seduces each convict. When she begins to appear outside the program, the men quickly turn on each other.

Patru detinuti sunt selectionati de capitanul Skyler pentru a recupera nava spatiala Holly, disparuta in spatiu. Daca misiunea de salvare avea sa fie dusa la bun sfarsit, Nick, Lloyd, D.J si Peter aveau sa-si recapete in sfarsit libertatea. Ceea ce nu stiu insa cei patru barbati este faptul ca trebuie sa infrunte un virus spatial, care poate lua orice forma. De aceasta data, el apare sub infatisarea unei femei irezistibile. Si cum calea prin care ajunge la cei patru barbati este cea a realitatii…

Subtitrari Alien Intruder

Traducator Limba
Alien Intruder Silviu Dima Limba