Comedie, Dramă, Romantic
★ 5.3 / 10
(23 voturi)
96 min
Cameron Thor
Dan Cortese, Virginia Madsen, Maria Pitillo
After Sex (2011)
Intre fete
A group of attractive women get together for a weekend of bonding, hoping to relax and getaway from the anxiety of their boyfriends. The women travel out of town which leads them to picking up men of questionable integrity. The next problem is what will they tell their boyfriends when they get back home.
Cateva prietene, mai mult sau mai putin fericite in dragoste, petrec un weekend la Las Vegas unde, fortate de imprejurari, isi fac de cap. Ele se imprietenesc cu cinci barbati de o integritate morala indoielnica.
Subtitrari After Sex
Traducator | Limba | |
After Sex | Virgil |