

7.04 / 10

(877 voturi)


123 min


Robert Redford


Craig Sheffer, Brad Pitt, Tom Skerritt



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A River Runs Through It (1992)

Candva, pe aici, trecea un rau

A River Runs Through is a cinematographically stunning true story of Norman Maclean. The story follows Norman and his brother Paul through the experiences of life and growing up, and how their love of fly fishing keeps them together despite varying life circumstances in the untamed west of Montana in the 1920's.

Film nominalizat la Premiile Grammy, nominalizat si castigator al Premiului Oscar ,regizat de Robert Redford nominalizat si el la randul sau la Globurile de Aur pentru cel mai bun regizor. Norman si Paul, doi frati din Montana, cresc impreuna sub supravegherea tatalui lor, un preot extrem de sever. Toti trei impartasesc o pasiune comuna: pescuitul la musca in raurile din imprejurimi. Satui de autoritatea tatalui lor, cei doi frati incearca sa protesteze. Drumurile lor insa se vor scinda: Norman…

Subtitrari A River Runs Through It

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