★ 6.5 / 10
(4 voturi)
91 min
Judith Colell
Mercedes Sampietro, Alex Brendemühl, Aina Clotet
53 Winter Days (2007)
53 de zile de iarna
Three characters meet on a winter night at a bus stop and attend to the abandonment of a dog. Mila, a teacher who has been a year off after being attacked by one of his students. Celso, security guard, married, father of a child with serious economic problems, about to learn that is going to be father again, but this time with twins. And Valeria, a cello student, with a murky relationship with her family and her love. The three set out on a journey that will take them to confront their fears and frustrations and to make each a decision that will change their lives.
Filmul “53 de zile de iarna” prezinta trei povesti, spuse rand pe rand, a trei oameni care sunt in momente de cumpana. Toti trei aflati intr-o noapte friguroasa de iarna in aceeasi statie de autobuz in care este abandonat si un caine. Eroina primei povesti este Mila, profesoara ce fusese atacata de unul din elevii sai. A avut nevoie de un an intreg pentru a se recupera in urma acestui incident. Valeria este eroina celei de-a doua povesti, o studenta implicata intr-o relatie amoroasa cu unul …
Subtitrari 53 Winter Days
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53 dias de invierno (53 Winter Days) | almeea.com (c) www.subs.ro |