Acțiune, Aventură, Horror
★ 6.587 / 10
(3,677 voturi)
100 min
Juan Carlos Fresnadillo
Jeremy Renner, Rose Byrne, Robert Carlyle
28 Weeks Later (2007)
Dupa 28 de saptamani
The inhabitants of the British Isles have lost their battle against the onslaught of disease, as the deadly rage virus has killed every citizen there. Six months later, a group of Americans dare to set foot on the isles, convinced the danger has come and gone. But it soon becomes all too clear that the scourge continues to live, waiting to pounce on its next victims.
La sase luni dupa ce virusul turbarii pustiise Anglia, carantina ia sfarsit. Fortele Speciale ale armatei americane, aflate la fata locului, declara ca razboiul impotriva virusului a fost castigat si reconstructia Angliei poate reincepe. Odata cu reintoarcerea primelor valuri de refugiati, familiile se reunesc. Insa una dintre ele ascunde, fara sa stie, un secret infricosator. Virusul reapare, de data aceasta mult mai periculos.FOX ATOMIC si DNA FILMS, in asociere c…
Subtitrari 28 Weeks Later
Traducator | Limba | |
28 Weeks Later | Soliman Magnificul&emilgrigore(c) | |
28 Weeks Later | DVD RETAiL |