We Grown Now (2023)
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Adăugat: 7-Feb-2025, 10:46
Actualizat: 7-Feb-2025, 10:46
We Grown Now (2023) pentru WEB-DL. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
In 1992 Chicago, a story of two young legends in their own right begins. As wide-eyed and imaginative best friends Malik and Eric traverse the city, looking to escape the mundaneness of school and the hardships of growing up in public housing, their unbreakable bond is challenged when tragedy shakes their community just as they are learning to fly.
Doi băieției, Malik și Eric, cei mai buni prieteni, descoperă bucuriile și greutățile creșterii în complexul de locuințe publice Cabrini-Green din Chicago, în 1992.