Three Wishes (1995)
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23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 24-Oct-2010, 17:39
Actualizat: 1-Feb-2025, 12:19
Three Wishes (1995), pentru BluRay, HDRip & DVDRip. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
While Jane Holman is driving with her two sons, she accidentally runs into a drifter, Jack McCloud, who breaks his leg. Being responsible, Jane invites Jack, and his dog, to stay at her home until his leg has healed. Jack struggles to adapt their lifestyle, and finds himself loved by the family.
O dramă fantastică despre Jeanne Holman, o femeie a cărei viața se schimbă dramatic după ce îl accidentează pe Jack McCloud. Un bun prilej de a-l revedea pe regretatul actor Patrick Swayze.