The Prisoner (1955)
The Prisoner
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 16-Sep-2009, 17:34
Actualizat: 16-Sep-2009, 17:34
A cardinal is arrested for treason against the state. As a prince of his church, and a popular hero of this people, for his resistance against the Nazis during the war and afterward his resistance when his country again fell to a totalitarian conquerer. In prison, his interrogator is determined to get a confession of guilt against the state from the strong willed man, and thus destroy his power over his people. The verbal and psychological battles are gripping and powerful - not even the increasing pressures put upon the Cardinal can force him to weaken; not even solitary confinement, continuous blazing light in his cell, sleeplessness, efforts to persuade him he is going mad. And yet, in the deepening conflict, the superb indomitable prisoner, creates a tremendous pity on his tormentor, the interrogator.
Mai multe informații
A cardinal is arrested for treason against the state. He is a popular hero of his people, for his resistance against the Nazis during the war and his resistance when his country again fell to a totalitarian conqueror. In prison, his interrogator is determined to extract a confession of guilt, and thus destroy his power over his people.
Subiectul filmului se bazeaza pe povestea din viata reala a unui mare demnitar religios din Ungaria, Cardinalul Mindszenty, interpretat de actorul Alec Guinness, care in baza functiei pe care o ocupa in societatea comunista in care traia, era identificat ca fiind atat purtator cat si formator de opinii. Degeaba traverseaza al Doilea Razboi Mondial ca un erou in lupta cu nazistii, ca el este gasit de noua societate ca fiind un tradator de neam. Contrar convingerilor sale reli…