The Memory Keepers Daughter (2008)
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23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 18-Oct-2008, 00:25
Actualizat: 4-Iun-2009, 13:38
The.Memory.Keepers.Daughter.2008.PROPER.DVDRip.XviD-VoMiT si The.Memory.Keepers.Daughter[2008] (quer17iron).
Mai multe informații
During a blizzard in 1964, Dr. David Henry delivers his son Paul with the help of nurse Caroline. But when Henry realizes his wife is also carrying a girl with Down syndrome, he hands the second child over to Caroline without his wife's knowledge. Henry's fateful decision yields grave consequences for his family over the next 20 years.
Intr-o noapte de iarna din 1964, dr. David Henry se grabeste s-o duca pe Norah, sotia sa insarcinata, la spital. Asistenta Caroline Gill ii da vestea ca sotia sa are gemeni si o ajuta pe aceasta sa aduca pe lume cel de-al doilea copil, o fetita pe nume Phoebe. La scurt timp dupa nastere, doctorul afla ca micuta are sindromul Down si hotaraste sa o abandoneze pe mainile asistentei Carloine, explicandu-i ca moartea surorei sale bolnave i-a distrus mama s…