The Lonely Ones (2006)
The Lonely Ones
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 14-Nov-2006, 13:39
Actualizat: 14-Nov-2006, 00:00
Enjoy it !
Mai multe informații
Anticipating a weekend of R & R in the mountainous region of Northern Arizona, nine college buddies lodge at a remote cabin -- where local lore warns them of the horrifying evil that slinks in the dark forest. Dismissing the cautions of the nearby townspeople, the friends are now trapped in a night of blood-soaked terror that will transform this simple getaway into a permanent vacation. David Michael Quiroz Jr. helms this indie slasher flick.
Ignorand avertismentele localnicilor, noua prieteni se aventureaza intr-o regiune montana din nordul Arizonei. Ei vor afla curand ca raul care salasluieste in intunericul padurii ii doreste ca oaspeti permanenti.