The Gorgon (1964)
The Gorgon
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Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 19-Feb-2018, 18:05
Actualizat: 10-Aug-2024, 15:54
The Gorgon (1964), pentru BluRay (per_SEMPRE) & DVDRip. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
In the early 20th century a village experienced a series of inexplicable murders. All the victims were young men who had been turned to stone. The perpetrator of these deaths was a being so repulsive that she transformed the onlooker using the power of her deadly stare. Much of the time the creature took the form of a beautiful and seductive woman, but during periods of the full moon she becomes a living horror, vicious and deadly. A professor has come to investigate the deaths, bringing with him his beautiful assistant whose knowledge of the Gorgon is more intimate than anyone would ever realise.
Un monstru misterios transformă oamenii în piatră într-un sat german în 1910. Când iubita lui este ucisă, Bruno (Jeremy Longhurst) devine principalul suspect. Sinuciderea lui care a urmat pare să-i confirme vinovăția, dar profesorul Carl Maister (Christopher Lee) nu este atât de sigur. El crede că unul dintre săteni este stăpânit de spiritul Megaerei, sora Medusei. Printre posibilii vinovați se numără dr. Namaroff (Peter Cushing), superba asistentă Carla (Barbara Shelley) și un pacient bolnav psihic.