Scary or Die (2012)
Povesti de groaza
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 23-Mar-2014, 09:08
Actualizat: 23-Mar-2014, 09:08
Mai multe informații
The creation of filmmaker Michael Emanuel, SCARY OR DIE tells five interwoven horror stories that take place in and around the “City of Angles”. A flesh-eating clown desperately trying to protect the person he craves the most; a dirty cop and a hit gone wrong with a vengeful Necromancer; a beautiful but mysterious woman and a lonely man looking for love in all the wrong places; a gruesome, blood-splattered uprising of illegal Mexican zombies; and a Cajun conjurer grandfather whose gift of never-ending love goes terribly awry…SCARY OR DIE is a unique experience in horror filmmaking certain to fulfill all your twisted horror film experience needs.
Scary Or Die este o antologie continand 5 povestiri horror. Un clovn mancator de carne ce incearca cu disperare sa protejeze ceea ce isi doreste cel mai mult, un politist corupt incurcat cu un necromant razbunator, o femeie frumoasa, insa misterioasa ce cauta dragostea alaturi de barbatul iubit in cele mai nepotrivite locuri, zombi mexicani si un batran al carui dar de a oferi dragoste nelimitata se dovedeste a fi inselator... Scary or Die ofera, fara doar si poate o experienta unica in cinemat…