San Pietro (2005)
Sfantul Petru
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 11-Sep-2011, 11:04
Actualizat: 11-Sep-2011, 11:04
San Pietro Italian DVD release
Mai multe informații
Saint Peter, a reluctant but passionate leader, from the crucifixion of Jesus to his own. The film's first half dramatizes the New Testament's "Acts": early fear, the renewal of Pentecost, Saul's conversion, the decision to baptize pagans, and the Apostles' dispersal. In the second half, an aged Peter goes to Rome to join Paul, arriving on the day of Paul's arrest. Paul's death brings a crisis to Rome's Christians and to Peter; lessons from Jesus's teachings guide his decision to stay. Events within the fictive household of Persius, a Roman aristocrat, capture the upheaval that Christian teachings bring to the Eternal City.
Dupa rastignirea lui Hristos, Petru, cel mai credincios discipol al sau, trebuie sa-si invinga slabiciunile si sa tina unita comunitatea crestina. Invierea lui Iisus este momentul hotarator care-i va da forta sa porneasca pe un drum lung, acela de a apara si de a raspandi mesajul invatatorului sau, de la Ierusalim pana la Roma, in ciuda persecutiilor si cu pretul propriei vieti.