Paranormal Incident (2011)
Paranormal Incident
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 4-Nov-2012, 13:56
Actualizat: 4-Nov-2012, 13:56
Mai multe informații
The infamous Odenbrook Sanitarium closed after a mass suicide occurred within its walls. Sixty years later, six college students armed with cameras and recording equipment venture into the asylum to prove the existence of the paranormal. Thrills turn into nightmares as members of the group go missing without a sound, cell phones mysteriously vanish, corridors turn into mazes, walls appear where doors once stood, flashlights fail and something or someone begins toying with the group. Days later, when five of the six friends turn up missing, the lone survivor must go through the recovered footage in order to clear his name and find out what happened to his friends
Infamul sanatoriu Odenbrook este inchis dupa ce inauntrul sau are loc o sinucidere in masa. Saizeci de ani mai tarziu, sase studenti inarmati cu camere si reportofoane se aventureaza inauntrul azilului cu intentia de a dovedi existenta paranormalului. Lucrurile iau o intorsatura terifianta pe masura ce membrii grupului incep sa dispara, telefoanele mobile dispar misterios, coridoarele se transforma in labirinte, usile dispar, iar lanternele inceteaza sa mai functioneze. Singurul supravietuitor a…