Of Two Minds (2012)
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23.976 FPS
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Adăugat: 27-Sep-2013, 16:44
Actualizat: 27-Sep-2013, 16:44
Of.Two.Minds.2012.STV.DVDRip.XviD-MARGiN. Enjoy! Multumiri traducatorului.
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Follows the story of the challenging relationship between Billie and her younger schizophrenic sister, Elizabeth Baby. After their mother dies, Billie takes responsibility by moving Baby in with her family, including her husband, their teenage son and young daughter. At first, Baby and the family work to adjust to their new living arrangement. However, after a disturbing incident involving her son and Baby, it becomes clear to Billie that she and her family are not equipped to handle Baby's illness, ultimately forcing her to make the difficult decision to do what's best for her sister and her family.
Povestea relatiei dificile dintre Billie si sora ei mai mica, Elizabeth, bolnava de schizofrenie. Dupa ce mama lor moare, Billie isi asuma responsabilitatea de a o lua pe Elizabeth in familia ei, alaturi de sotul ei, de fiul adolescent si de mezina. La inceput, si Elizabeth si familia se straduiesc sa se adapteze la noul stil de viata. Totusi, dupa un incident neplacut intre fiul ei si sora bolnava, Billie vede clar ca nici ea, nici cei din familie nu sunt pregatiti …