My Little Princess (2011)
Mica mea printesa
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 26-Apr-2012, 18:59
Actualizat: 26-Apr-2012, 18:59
premiera ro !
Mai multe informații
Young Violetta and her mother Hannah are a peculiar couple. Ten-year-old Violetta lives a quiet life with her grandmother, while her mother Hannah is an unpredictable photographer who lives off of the generosity of others. When Hannah forces her daughter to pose as a model, Violetta finds her life with her loving grandmother turned upside down.The resulting pictures quickly become a sensation for the trendy 70's Paris art scene, and Violetta finds herself caught in between her new stature as an art muse and her dull childhood.
Cand Hannah ii cere fetei ei sa-i pozeze, viata Violetei ia cu totul alt fagas. Fetita banala si cuminte devine muza mediului artistic parizian, dar asta cu pretul copilariei ei