Mutants (2009)
23.976 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 4-Ian-2010, 09:50
Actualizat: 5-Ian-2010, 23:19
Mutants.2009.FRENCH.DVDRiP.XViD-ARTEFAC (The_Covenant) . Mutants.2009.FRENCH.DVDRiP.XViD.DTS-VanCo
Mai multe informații
A nasty virus has spread throughout the human race turning the population into something ...else. After a brief setup (and a messy hit and run) we’re introduced to an ambulance and its four occupants. Sonia and Marco are together and riding with two police officers. Tensions rise between them as they head for a mythical research facility called NOAH that is reportedly infection free and working on a cure, and circumstances lead to Sonia and Marco holing up alone in an abandoned building. She’s pregnant, in love, and apparently immune to the virus… and she realizes that he’s been infected. He slowly transforms but her love for him refuses to give up on a cure, so she sets out to survive the onslaught of infected, attacks from still-human marauders, and the growing threat from her baby’s daddy.
Intr-o lume devastata de un virus pandemic care transforma fiintele umane in creaturi primitive si insetate de sange, Marco si Sonia au pornit pentru a gasi o baza secreta unde incearca sa scape de mutanti. Ei sunt atacati, iar Marco este contaminat de asemenea. Incetul cu incetul, el sufera schimbari. Sonia, care asteapta un copil, este apoi fortata sa lupte cu cel care i-a fost alaturi... omul pe care il iubea.