La playa DC (2012)
La playa DC
25.000 FPS
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Adăugat: 26-Mar-2016, 18:09
Actualizat: 26-Mar-2016, 18:09
La Playa DC (2012)[dvdrip] [castellano] ; La Playa DC - Juan Andre¦üs Arango Garcia (2012 Colombia). Aranjat textul si adaugate diacritice. Enjoy! Multumiri traducatorului.
Mai multe informații
Tomas, an Afro-Colombian teenager who fled the country's Pacific coast pushed out by the war, faces the difficulties of growing up in a city if exclusion and racism. When Jairo, his younger brother and closest friend disappears, Tomas plunges in the streets of the city. His search becomes an initiatory journey that compels him to face his past and to leave aside the influence of his is brothers in order to find his own identity. Through this journey, Tomas reveals a unique perspective of a vibrant and unstable city that, like Tomas, stands on the threshold between what once was and what might be.
Tomas, un tanar firav fugit din calea razboiului de pe coasta columbiana a Pacificului, incearca sa se descurce in complicata metropola Bogota, un oras plin de rasism cu 8 milioane de locuitori. Cautandu-l pe fratele sau ratacit, Jairo, Tomas porneste intr-o calatorie sumbra ce-l va obliga sa lupte cu teama, nostalgia, dar si cu ranile trecutului.