Jestem (2005)
Eu sunt
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 28-Nov-2006, 19:32
Actualizat: 21-Feb-2007, 10:33
Mai multe informații
"I am" tells the story of Kundel, a boy searching for his place in life, his identity. After running away from an orphanage where he is treated as an outcast among outcasts by both his peers and the adults in charge, and being rejected a second time by his alcoholic mother, who had earlier abandoned him, the resolute 11-year-old finds a "home" on a deserted old barge on the outskirts of his hometown. He is still an outcast, but he is an outcast on his own terms, rejecting both patronizing charitable gestures and coercion by local thugs. In the process he makes one true friend, a girl from an affluent family who is also an outcast, despite living in material comfort.
"Eu sunt" spune povestea lui Kundel, un copil ce isi cauta locul in viata si o identitate. Dupa ce fuge dintr-un orfelinat, unde e tratat precum un paria atat de colegi cat si de adulti, cat si refuzat pentru a doua oara de catre mama lui alcoolista, baietelul in varsta de 11 ani isi gaseste un "camin" intr-o barca abandonata in zona periferica a orasului. Este inca un paria, dar unul in proprii termeni, refuzand atat gesturile caritabile cat si obligatii…