Idiotul (Idiot) (1958)
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 22-Aug-2017, 08:52
Actualizat: 23-Aug-2017, 22:59
Idiot {1958} Ivan Pyryev 1CD=1.471.535.104 bytes (cp65) si inca o varianta. Enjoy!
Mai multe informații
The film is based on the first part of the novel of the same name by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Prince Myshkin returns to Russia from Switzerland, where he was treated in a psychiatric clinic. On the train, on the way to St.Petersburg, the prince meets Parfyon Rogozhin, who tells him of his passionate love for Nastasya Filippovna, the former containment woman of the millionaire Totsky. In St.Petersburg, the prince finds himself in the house of his distant relative – Lizaveta Yepanchina (General's wife), meets her husband, their daughters, as well as the Secretary of General – Ganya Ivolgin. The portrait of Nastasya Filippovna, accidentally seen on the general’s table, makes a great impression on the prince...
Dupa o perioada de recuperare intr-un spital din Elvetia, printul Maskin revine la St. Petersburg, unde este socotit un idiot de catre cei din jurul sau, din pricina naivitatii sale. Aici o cunoaste pe Nastasia Filipovna, o frumusete locala ravnita de mai multi barbati si ii ofera acesteia posibilitatea de a deveni sotia sa si de a incepe alaturi de el o alta viata. Filmul este realizat dupa "Nastasia Filipovna", prima parte a romanului Idiotul al lui Dostoievski.