Headless Horseman (2007)
Headless Horseman
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 9-Nov-2007, 19:58
Actualizat: 8-Iul-2009, 09:51
Headless.Horseman.(2007).DVDR.Xvid.NLT (nikusor). Traducere a fost realizata direct dupa sonor de catre Lovendal (pentru subs.ro TEAM), pentru versiunea Headless.Horseman.2007.WS.DSRip.XviD-aAF. TVQS, italice si diacritice 100%. Vizionare placuta!
Mai multe informații
Seven college kids take a shortcut on their way to a party and unfortunately end up in Wormwood – a "lost" town in the middle of nowhere. They find something strange and sinister happening there – bones and weird decorations line Main Street. The cause: local Wormwood legend says on All Hallows Eve one hundred years ago, a crazed man tortured the youngsters in town and then cut off their heads. In retaliation, the townspeople killed him by cutting off his head. Seeking revenge every seven years, he returns and takes seven heads from children in the town. Now the seven visitors find themselves hunted one by one as the Headless Horseman claims his due.
Intr-o zi frumoasa de Halloween, sapte copii din suburbie se inghesuie intr-o furgoneta ca sa se duca la o petrecere in oras. Se hotarasc sa o ia pe o scurtatura si se ratacesc repede. In timp ce merg cu masina pe strazile unui oras izolat, cauciucurile fac brusc explozie. Cu masina stricata, tinerii se trezesc intr-un orasel sinistru siindepartat, Wormwood. Ramasi singuri in acest oras ciudat, grupul de prieteni se imprieteneste cu una din localnice, o tanara pe nume Candy, care le spune ca ta…