Despiser (2003)
29.970 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 19-Dec-2006, 21:11
Actualizat: 19-Dec-2006, 21:11
Mai multe informații
Having just been fired and dumped by his wife, life couldn't possibly be worse for independent artist Gordon Hauge (Mark Redfield)—until he wrecks his car and finds himself in purgatory, that is. Once there, he is attacked by fanatic Shadowmen and legions of Ragmen—souls being enslaved and bent to some dark purpose. Gordon is rescued by an eccentric band of freedom fighters, people from different times of history who lost their lives in noble sacrifice. They recruit the reluctant and befuddled Gordon and set off on a wild adventure through the surreal landscapes of purgatory to battle the Despiser—an evil being who now reigns in this seemingly God-abandoned halfway house north of hell and south of heaven.
Viata nu ar putea fi mai rea pentru Gordon (Mark Redfield) dupa ce si-a pierdut slujba, casa si a fost parasit de sotie. Pana cand isi distruge masina si ajunge in purgatoriu. Odata ajuns este atacat de fanaticii SHADOWMEN si legiunile lor de suflete chinuite, RAGMEN. Salvat de o banda de luptatori excentrici pentru libertate, oameni din diferite perioade de timp care si-au pierdut viata in urma unor sacrificii nobile, el porneste intr-o aventura salbatica prin peisajele fantastice ale purgator…