Belyy Bim - Chyornoe ukho (1977)
White Bim Black Ear
25.000 FPS
Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 28-Feb-2011, 11:07
Actualizat: 28-Feb-2011, 11:07
un film absolut superb pentru iubitorii de animale, o capodopera a cinematografiei ruse, putin cunoscuta noua obisnuiti cu fake-urile hollywoodiene
pentru prima data in limba romana pe siteurile de subtitrari
Mai multe informații
A touching story about a white Gordon Setter with black ear, who became homeless because of his master's illness. His master, Ivan Ivanovich, a man far from being young, fond of hunting and nature, took a puppy to live with him, despite the dog's black ear being a "shame of nature" to his breed. The man always took his dog, whom he called Bim or Bimka, to hunting in country. Later, however Ivan Ivanovich began to have problems with heart and when the disease became worse was taken to a hospital. His dog couldn't bear waiting for the only person that ever cared for him and set out to find his master. Thus began the story of a homeless dog and his many breathtaking and exciting adventures, encounters of many people, kind and evil, and leads to an unexpected and heart-rending end.
Dupa moartea sotiei sale, Ivan Ivanovic adopta un pui de caine din rasa Setter, pe care il numeste Bim. Cei doi devin de nedespartit, fiind vazuti adesea unul in compania celuilalt pe pajistile de la marginea orasului, unde Ivan Ivanovic isi duce cainele pentru a exersa vanatoarea. Insa intr-o zi, barbatul se imbolnaveste si e transportat de urgenta la Moscova, unde trebuie sa fie operat. Desi cainele ramane in grija unei vecine inimoase, acesta sufera din cauz…