Amazing Love (2012)
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Număr CD-uri / Episoade
Adăugat: 8-Mai-2014, 20:23
Actualizat: 18-Feb-2023, 18:55
Amazing Love (2012), pentru WEB-DL & DVDRip. Enjoy! Multumiri traducatorului.
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Teen friends, Steve, Carrie, Cooper, and Gameboy embark on a weekend camping trip lead by their church youth group leader Stuart (Sean Astin) and his wife Beth (Erin Bethea). Joining them is an outsider Ashley, a self-involved rich kid, whose attitude causes a major commotion within the group, specifically between her and Carrie. Before it gets too out of hand though, Stuart takes this opportunity to share with the kids the incredibly powerful biblical story of Hosea; a story of immovable faith, impeccable commitment, and impervious love.
Adolescentii Steve, Carrie, Cooper si Gameboy pleaca intr-o tabara de week-end in munti, condusa de Stuart (Sean Astin), liderul de tineret al Bisericii, si sotia sa Beth (Erin Bethea). Lor li se alatura Ashley, o adolescenta materialista si centrata pe sine, si a carei atitudine o separa de restul grupului. Cand are loc un conflict intre Ashley si Carrie, aceasta separare se mareste. Sperand la o rezolvare, Stuart are oportunitatea sa imparta cu grupul povestea emotionanta a profetului Vechiulu…