Zeitgeist The Movie nu e acelasi lucru cu American Zeitgeist

claudiuangelo (7 mesaje) (Utilizator)
30-Sep-2007, 06:09 Top

Am observat ca exista o confuzie pe site-urile de specialitate din ro privind doua filme documentare diferite.
American Zeitgeist si
Zeitgeist The Movie.
Titrarea de pe subs este pentru cel de al doilea http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/" class="link">http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/

Eroarea a fost observata chiar pe imdb
This is NOT "ZEITGEIST, The Movie", 12 August 2007
Author: chrono13 from United States

Please do not rate American Zeitgeist or review it based on your opinion of ZEITGEIST, The Movie. Despite both being documentaries, and both having parts regarding terrorism and war, they are two very different films.

Every review posted so far has been for ZEITGEIST. This is not fair to American Zeitgeist or ZEITGEIST, The Movie.

To tell the difference between these two films you need look no further than the first part of ZEITGEIST, The Movie. In Part 1, it details a brief history of religion and its relation to astrology. American Zeitgeist does not contain this or any other part of ZEITGEIST.

Este prima data cand postez pe un forum de aceasta natura asa ca daca este vreo gresala ...scuze anticipate Smiley

sabian (166 mesaje) (Utilizator)
30-Sep-2007, 07:09 Top

Nu, nu este nici o greseala. Asa e.

This film is not to be confused with ZEITGEIST, The movie. To recognize the difference, ZEITGEIST, is a documentary broken into 3 Parts. Part 1 deals with religion; it's close ties on astrology and comparisons to many cultures' over the past 5000 years.

AMC (1,453 mesaje) (Administrator)
30-Sep-2007, 08:09 Top

puneti aici pozele si le editez eu.

sabian (166 mesaje) (Utilizator)
30-Sep-2007, 10:09 Top

puneti aici pozele si le editez eu.

Nu exista poze oficiale, ci doar atit:
Sample screenshots below:











bnedescu (1 mesaj) (Utilizator)
8-Nov-2008, 09:11 Top

A aparut Zeitgeist 2! Se numeste "Zeitgeist: Addendum" - il puteti vizualiza online, subtitrat in romana!: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7322446344238270341" class="link">http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7322446344238270341

Daca aveti sugestii de corectare a subtitrarii, va rog trimiteti PM si le voi aplica.

Vizionare placuta!

kralizec (3,373 mesaje) (Administrator)
8-Nov-2008, 10:11 Top

Lipseste ș, ț Smiley

bnedescu (1 mesaj) (Utilizator)
8-Nov-2008, 10:11 Top

Problema rezolvata ..